Sell your home
with Brandon

What to Expect

There’s how you live in a home… and how you sell it.

I make sure you understand each moving piece, I work tirelessly to help you achieve what you need out of the sale and I want you to have an enjoyable experience as you go through the selling process.

Let’s cover the basics of that process of working together:

Step 1: Analysis -- or “Let’s meet, hear your story, and check out your house.”

It’s totally reasonable to wonder, “When should I reach out to a Realtor?” Our answer is, “The earlier the better.” When you’ve decided you’re likely to sell, give me a call.

The goal of that initial meeting is to ask you a range of questions, find out why you’re selling, determine your needs in relation to timing, money, logistics, available resources for preparing the house, who else is involved or must be considered, and also to look at your house and determine the path to bringing it to market.

Whether you’re 2 weeks out or 2 years out is up to you, but it’s important that we get on the same page from the start, and find out what it is we will ultimately be bringing to market.

Step 2: Present your options

Every house can be rated on an “optimization scale.” How ready is it, at this moment, to achieve a top-dollar sale?

My job, having seen the house, is to discuss its rating with you, and then determine if you have the desire to move it up the scale versus selling it as-is.

Both options are viable, as is a happy medium, though the level of optimization affects selling price and time on market.

If you have the desire, time, and resources to optimize it, I will guide you step by step through that process -- or even manage it for you. I’ll explain your range of options, and the decisions are yours to make.

Step 3: Now let’s talk about the market

Now that we’re clear on what we’ll be listing for sale, we’ll show you what’s happening in the market specific to your house.

I’ll explain the larger market trends first, then “zoom in” on your neighborhood, your house type, size, finishes and any external factors that affect value.
Is it a buyer’s or a seller’s market?
How much inventory (competition) is there?
What are the closest comparable sales?
Should you run your listing with a “5-day Auction” or “Review offers upon receipt” sale?

I’ll spend enough time on this to make sure you’re in the know and clear on the current market conditions specific to your house.

Step 4: Pre-Listing Preparations

Do you need packing supplies and boxes? Extra hands to help pack? A handyman? House cleaner? Carpet cleaner? Floor refinisher? Window washer? Roof and gutter cleaner? Landscaper? Painter?

Whatever service people are needed to get your house optimized and ready, we have referrals and we can orchestrate the work.

This is my specialty -- there is no work your property might need that I can’t help organize and accomplish.

With our agreed-to plan in place, I’ll spend whatever time is necessary to get your house and grounds to the point that it’s ready for photos and “launch day.”

“Everything Brandon does, he does with excellence, professionalism, and over-the-top generosity. He went above and beyond to make the entire process smooth and stress-free.”

— Jesse B. | Past Buyer

Step 5: We prepare the marketing

With photos taken and the information buyers expect in hand, I and the team at COMPASS assemble the marketing.

The “first showing” of 93% of listings happens online, where buyers are shopping.

So I make sure your listing is widely seen and that it looks awesome!

I use only professional photography, and when appropriate drone photos, video and 3D virtual tours.

I utilize social media where we can target specific buyer pools in specific areas.

Our full time, in-house graphic designers at COMPASS create unmatched print marketing.

And Yes, I still use direct-to-mailbox marketing with success!

Also, since 80% of buyers are working with agents to find their homes, I market to buyers agents’.

My track record proves that our marketing works. Maximum exposure gets you maximum price.

Step 6: We hit the market

By “launch day” we’ll have a written plan with you how and when buyers and their agents will access your home for showings.

We log every visit, and through follow-up we begin collecting feedback from every showing.

Patterns emerge and, like a radiologist reads an X-ray, we read the patterns and communicate with you how the market is receiving the listing.

It’s typical that we have some unanswered buyer questions at this stage, and we’ll have feedback to share with you, so we’ll have an established communication plan with you.

Also, first-weekend open houses are my standard, as buyer-attention is always highest right in the beginning.

The keys to a successful listing launch are maximum marketing exposure, easy access, rapid responsiveness, and clear communication.

Step 7: Offers and negotiation

Depending on the sale strategy you choose and market response, we may have multiple offers to review, or we may be reviewing just one.

During offer review, we do due diligence on the buyer:

Is their financing strong and with a solid lender?
Are their contingencies appropriate, or do they convey a nervous buyer who wants every possible out?
Does their closing time-frame work for you? Can we negotiate on some terms without losing a good buyer?
In the case of multiple offers, is the highest offer the best one?
Will two or more buyers compete and escalate even more, waive inspection, waive appraisal, give you free delayed possession after closing?

There are a number of important offer terms to review and optimize during negotiation. And to be clear: I LOVE this part of the sale!

Step 8: Transaction management

Congratulations, we’re now “Pending”. That means we’ve accepted an offer and you’re under contract.

It’s a great feeling… but we’re far from closing. On Day 1 we’ll deliver a 1-page “Transaction Calendar” -- a summary of the entire contract with all parties, dates and deadlines neatly listed.

As many as a dozen different professionals can be involved during a transaction.

Our job is to be at the hub of it all, communicating on your behalf and delivering information and answers, keeping everyone calm and level-headed. We navigate the inspection response.

We may be collecting contractor bids or orchestrating work or repairs. We may be delicately negotiating with an appraiser.

As the transaction progresses, I’m also helping you prepare for the move. Do you have the packing supplies you need? Can I schedule a cleaner?

On signing day, I’ll be with you at Title and Escrow to help review the numbers and answer any questions as you sign closing documents.

Step 9: Closing and transfer of ownership

The property is ready to go, the keys and other hand-offs are on the kitchen counter, the house is cleaned… it’s closing day!

With both parties signed and the funds about to hit your account, we’re now awaiting that call that the sale is recorded, so I can call you and announce, “It’s official!”

I’m here to make sure both your and the buyers expectations are met, that there are no surprises, and that you’re 100% satisfied with the outcome.

If you’re moving locally, your moving truck in on me. Oh, and be sure to let us know if you prefer red wine or white!

Bottom line: You can interview any listing firm with just two key questions: What’s your track record? And what do your past clients say about their work with you? Click here to check out my track record and Click here to read some of my 5-star reviews.

Quick Review:
Steps to Selling

Here is all that information condensed for you to click through. Or schedule a call and we can go through this together!

  • It’s totally reasonable to wonder, “When should I reach out to a Realtor?” My answer is, “The earlier the better.” When you’ve decided you’re likely to sell, give us a call and invite us out. The goal of that initial meeting is to ask you a range of questions, find out why you’re selling, determine your needs in relation to timing, money, logistics, available resources for preparing the house, who else is involved or must be considered, and also to look at your house and determine the path to bringing it to market. Whether you’re 2 weeks out or 2 years out is up to you, but it’s important that we get on the same page from the start, and find out what it is we will ultimately be bringing to market.

  • Every house can be rated on an “optimization scale.” How ready is it, at this moment, to achieve a top-dollar sale? Our job, having seen the house, is to discuss its rating with you, and then determine if you have the desire to move it up the scale versus selling it as-is. Both options are viable, as is a happy medium, though the level of optimization affects selling price and time on market. If you have the desire, time, and resources to optimize it, I will guide you step by step through that process -- or even manage it for you. I’ll explain your range of options, and the decisions are yours to make.

  • Now that we’re clear on what we’ll be listing for sale, I’ll show you what’s happening in the market specific to your house. I’ll explain the larger market trends first, then “zoom in” on your neighborhood, your house type, size, finishes and any external factors that affect value. Is it a buyer’s or a seller’s market? How much inventory (competition) is there? What are the closest comparable sales? Should you run your listing with a “5-day Auction” or “Review offers upon receipt” sale? I’ll spend enough time on this to make sure you’re in the know and clear on the current market conditions specific to your house.

  • Do you need packing supplies and boxes? Extra hands to help pack? A handyman? House cleaner? Carpet cleaner? Floor refinisher? Window washer? Roof and gutter cleaner? Landscaper? Painter? Whatever service people are needed to get your house optimized and ready, I have referrals and I can orchestrate the work. With our agreed-to plan in place, we’ll spend whatever time is necessary to get your house and grounds to the point that it’s ready for photos and “launch day.”

  • With photos taken and the information buyers expect in hand, we assemble the marketing. The “first showing” of 93% of listings happens online, where buyers are shopping. So I make sure your listing is widely seen and that it looks awesome! We use only professional photography, and when appropriate drone photos, video and 3D virtual tours. I utilize social media where we can target specific buyer pools in specific areas. Our Compass graphic designers create unmatched print marketing. And yes, we still use direct-to-mailbox marketing with success! Also, since 80% of buyers are working with agents to find their homes, we market to buyers agents’. Our track record proves that our marketing works. Maximum exposure gets you maximum price.

  • By “launch day” we’ll have a written plan with you how and when buyers and their agents will access your home for showings. I log every visit, and through follow-up I begin collecting feedback from every showing. Patterns emerge and, like a radiologist reads an X-ray, I read the patterns and communicate with you how the market is receiving the listing. It’s typical that we have some unanswered buyer questions at this stage, and I’ll have feedback to share with you, so we’ll have an established communication plan with you. Also, first-weekend open houses are our standard, as buyer-attention is always highest right in the beginning. The keys to a successful listing launch are maximum marketing exposure, easy access, rapid responsiveness, and clear communication.

  • Depending on the sale strategy you choose and market response, we may have multiple offers to review, or we may be reviewing just one. During offer review, we do due diligence on the buyer. Is their financing strong and with a solid lender? Are their contingencies appropriate, or do they convey a nervous buyer who wants every possible out? Does their closing time-frame work for you? Can we negotiate on some terms without losing a good buyer? In the case of multiple offers, is the highest offer the best one? Will two or more buyers compete and escalate even more, waive inspection, waive appraisal, give you free delayed possession after closing? There are a number of important offer terms to review and optimize during negotiation. And to be clear: I LOVE this part of the sale!

  • Congratulations, we’re now “Pending”. That means we’ve accepted an offer and you’re under contract. It’s a great feeling… but we’re far from closing. On Day 1 we’ll deliver a 1-page “Transaction Calendar” -- a summary of the entire contract with all parties, dates and deadlines neatly listed. As many as a dozen different professionals can be involved during a transaction. Our job is to be at the hub of it all, communicating on your behalf and delivering information and answers, keeping everyone calm and level-headed. We navigate the inspection response. We may be collecting contractor bids or orchestrating work or repairs. We may be delicately negotiating with an appraiser. As the transaction progresses, we’re also helping you prepare for the move. Do you have the packing supplies you need? Can we schedule a cleaner? On signing day, we’ll be with you at Title and Escrow to help review the numbers and answer any questions as you sign closing documents.

  • The property is ready to go, the keys and other hand-offs are on the kitchen counter, the house is cleaned… it’s closing day! With both parties signed and the funds about to hit your account, we’re now awaiting that call that the sale is recorded, so I can call you and announce, “It’s official!” I’m here to make sure both you and the buyers expectations are met, that there are no surprises, and that you’re 100% satisfied with the outcome. If you’re moving locally, your moving truck in on me!

Brandon Nelson is a valuable gem in Whatcom County real estate.

In our recent sale, we were very impressed with the care, wisdom, and respect he displayed at every stage in working with us.

We sought Brandon’s guidance on many aspects of the process and always felt it was solid, honest, and the right path.”

— Tiana M.